2008 m. gruodžio 30 d., antradienis
bsod'o dar zhinomo kaip bugchekas metu sukuriami keli memory dumpai. viename perkeliame visa tuo metu aktyvi atmintis ,o kitame, 64 kb branduolio minidumpe yra butent tai kas luzho. taigi win debageryje reiktu nurodyti ish kur imti "zhemelapy" dampo identifikacijai. File| Symbol file path.. yrashom shita eilute:
Tada uzhsikraunam paskiausia dumpa ish windows/minidumps katalogo. krovimas savaime suprantama shiek tiek uzhtrunka,kol parsiunchiami reikalingi simboliai ir pan. tada mums gelbeja komanda '!analyze -v' kuri ish esmes parodo sistemos busena luzhio metu. mums principe reikalingi du laukai: DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID ir IMAGE_NAME. default_bucket_id parodo gliuko kategorija, o image_name turetu nurodyti ir yvykio kaltininka. taip pat dar naudinga komanda 'lvm', kuri nurodo tuo metu uzhkrautus draiverius ir ivairia su jais susijusia informacija ( pvz. ju buvimo vieta). to turetu pakakti.
mano atveju failino failas glaide32.sys. greit buvo nustatyta ,kad tai ishvis trojan/rootkit tipo parazitas pavadinimu Rustock. ishsigydzhius nuo shitos infekcijos, kompas vel normaliai pradejo dirbti.. greichiausiai trojanas megindavo kreivai nuskaityti atminty,o kadangi veike kaip draiveris zhemiausiame, kernel mode, lygyje, tai procesas baigdavosi BSOD'u
Plachiau apie debaginima ir gliuku paieshka galima pasiskaityti chia:
p.s. pasileidus ish 'administrative tools' 'event view' toolza ir ten system skyriuje suradus 1001 eventa,galima surasti bagcheko koda, pagal kury imanoma daugmazh abstrakchiai nusakyti del ko yvyko failinimas, shitame sajte:
2008 m. gruodžio 28 d., sekmadienis
2008 m. lapkričio 2 d., sekmadienis
2008 m. spalio 22 d., trečiadienis
apgreidai agreideliai
ta proga parsisiunchiau oficialius ati driverius ir pameginau instaliuotis. susintaliavo grazhiai viskas, tachiau uzhtrukau kol daejo kad konfiguruojant reikia rashyti ne "aticonfig --initial" ,o "aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf" ( chia kad matytu konfiga :) ) pasileido viskas shvariai, bet deja be tweakindamas toliau vel pridirbau kazhka ir dabar ish paprasto userio labai letai startuojasi xorgas....
a)aij tiesa dar idomu kaip chia lituanizuotis reikes....
b) tp radau pakankamai idomia distra visokiems shoodiniems kompams (mol 486 fanatai vienykites) "deli linux" reik prachekint...
c) ..kurioje yra idomiu lightweight narshykliu!
2008 m. spalio 19 d., sekmadienis
stuff to rememba
Chapter 11 Process Control
Every program that is running is called a process. These processes range from things like the X Window System to system programs (daemons) that are started when the computer boots. Every process runs as a particular user. Processes that are started at boot time usually run as root or nobody. Processes that you start will run as you. Processes started as other users will run as those users.
You have control over all the processes that you start. Additionally, root has control over all processes on the system, including those started by other users. Processes can be controlled and monitored through several programs, as well as some shell commands.
11.1 Backgrounding
Programs started from the command line start up in the foreground. This allows you to see all the output of the program and interact with it. However, there are several occasions when you'd like the program to run without taking up your terminal. This is called running the program in the background, and there are a few ways to do it.
The first way to background a process is by adding an ampersand to the command line when you start the program. For example, assume you wanted to use the command line mp3 player amp to play a directory full of mp3s, but you needed to do something else on the same terminal. The following command line would start up amp in the background:
% amp *.mp3 & |
The program will run as normal, and you are returned to a prompt.
The other way to background a process is to do so while it is running. First, start up a program. While it is running, hit Control+z. This suspends the process. A suspended process is basically paused. It momentarily stops running, but can be started up again at any time. Once you have suspended a process, you are returned to a prompt. You can background the process by typing:
% bg |
Now the suspended process is running in the background.
11.2 Foregrounding
If you need to interact with a backgrounded process, you can bring it back into the foreground. If you've only got one backgrounded process, you can bring it back by typing:
% fg |
If the program is not done running, the program will take control over you terminal and you will not be returned to a prompt. Sometimes, the program will finish running while backgrounded. In this instance, you'll get a message like this:
[1]+ Done /bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS |
That tells you that the backgrounded process (in this case ls - not terribly interesting) has completed.
It is possible to have several processes backgrounded at once. When this happens, you'll need to know which process you want to bring back to the foreground. Just typing fg will foreground the process that was last backgrounded. What if you had a whole list of processes in the background? Luckily, bash includes a command to list all the processes. It's called jobs and gives output like so:
% jobs |
This shows you a list of all the processes that are backgrounded. As you can see, they are all stopped. This means that the processes are suspended. The number is a sort of ID for all the backgrounded processes. The ID with a plus sign beside it (man ps) is the process that will be foregrounded if you just type fg.
If you wanted to foreground vim, you would type:
% fg 1 |
and vim would spring back up to the console. Backgrounding processes can be very useful if you only have one terminal open over a dialup connection. You can have several programs running on that one terminal, periodically switching back and forth between them.
va kaip shaunu
2008 m. rugpjūčio 17 d., sekmadienis
tesian pradeta tem
nesikrauna kas turetu
bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot
bootrec.exe /rebuildbcd
tipo pirma komanda atstato mbr y vistos boot managery,antra pasako bootsektoriui kur rasti bcd bootloadery ( mol vista naudoja kitoky uzhkrovimo metoda negu senesnes windozes versijos), o trechia atstato BCD lenteles(?). tai va o kai jau kazhka pavyx uzhkrauti tai yra programulka EasyBCD su kuria viskas ir turetu smagiai tweakintis, ale to dar nespejau pamegint :)
shiaip radau dar pora manualu kur naudojama Bootsect.exe, ale protingi zhmones va shitame linke http://neosmart.net/blog/2007/bootsectexe-modifies-the-bootsector-not-the-mbr/
sako kad bootsect visaj MBR'o ir netaiko o tik vistos bootloadery.shiaip jos pas mane DVD net ir nera :)
reziume butu, kad reik bent poroje shaltiniu pasizhiuret priesh ka nors darant. sutaupai laiko
p.s. faindas ant cmd.exe vykdomas dir X:\ /s /b | find /i "stringas"